Children and Youth Program Expansion
Delivering Educational Programming and Enrichment to Children and Youth in Southern Dallas
The Commitment: $1,000,000
The Stewpot serves our Dallas neighbors, helping them break free from homelessness and poverty. Services include a no-cost program for low-income and extremely low-income families with children. This program, which is relocating to a Cornerstone Baptist Church campus in the Pleasant Grove community, offers year-round weekly activities that encourage students from first to twelfth grade to stay in school, improve academic performance, and make positive choices for their futures. Program services include reading and math tutoring, college and career readiness, one-on-one mentoring, enrichment activities, summer camp, and field trips.
Crystal Charity funding will enable a three-year expansion of The Stewpot’s Children and Youth Program, increasing the afterschool program from one to three times a week and increasing the number of hours these weekly sessions are held to four hours per day. Funding includes salary support for additional staff, including two full-time program coordinators and eight part-time teachers. Program supplies, computers, and other program expenses including snacks, staff development, and field trip outings are also covered. Over the next three years, the number of students served will increase from 65 to 200.